I do about 20 maintenance brazilians a month.  I have two clients that constantly have problems with ingrown hairs.  The ingrown hairs only seem to be on the top or flat portion of the waxed area (not labia, inner thigh or backside).  The hair is not excessively stubborn or coarse. They have tried exfoliating more, exfoliating less, letting air to the skin more often (sleeping with no undies), taking off gym clothes immediately after exercise and topical exfoliants (acid based serums) to no avail.  Does anyone have any tricks they know work for those stubborn ingrown hairs?  Certainly I have considered that I could be the culprit of causing trauma to the skin from the waxing that is creating the inflammation, thus ingrown hairs.  I am not completely convinced that I am the cause because no one else is having issues.  Would love all suggestions!

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The flat portion or "mound" is an area that is prone to breakage.  Make sure you are pulling the skin taught when applying the wax to get the best application to fully coat the hair.  You might also try going in smaller sections in this area to minimize breakage, thus minimizing ingrowns.  Exfoliating is great, but you also need to hydrate to keep the skin ti keep it soft and supple so that the hair can exit the follicle more easily.  Is the client using anything at home to keep the skin supple after exfoliation?   If not, you might give that a try.  Hope this helps.

I agree with Ally and Crickett...change your angle and make sure the skin is taught when applying. You could also try doing some high frequency in that area after you are done waxing.

i suggest you visit the Lori Nestore the Wax Queen's "royal message board". I frequent there for all waxing queries! She is super knowledgeable about in-growns. hope that helps.


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