ok, i am pretty sure i am not a good business person, unlike i previously thought.
i apprehensively turned to Facebook to generate some biz for myself. I have a FB friend, who i've casually met and have many mutual friends, but not real-life hang-out with friends. We belong to the same local meetup group.
this friend was posting about her mom trying to win a contest on FB for a mother's day spa package at a well known spa. she was encouraging friends to vote for the pic so her mom would win. she also had a sweet story about her mom to go along w/ it.
I decided that i would offer her mom, as a consolation, a free facial w/ me if she doesn't win the fabulous spa package. I also offered one to the friend as well, since she is deserving of great experience as well (mom of 7). I emailed friend and in her reply she was so excited and grateful and said she would love that for her mom and herself and she would put a note of it i her mom's mother's day card.
well, the mom did indeed WIN the fabulous spa package from the fancy day spa. i found out through someone else. Great for the mom. I emailed friend again and said congratulations to your mom, etc.... hope she enjoys her fabulous spa experience. I still would like to offer you the facial, so let me know when you're free to see me!
her reply was, (in my interpretation, a less than thrilled tone) "thanks, it wasn't what i thought it was for her, just lotions, nothing special. I'm very busy, so I will let you know when i can."
I thought, did i upset her by not giving her mom the facial anyway? did she misunderstand that it was for if the mom didn't win the contest? did she already tell the mom she got the facial from me, before the contest was over? i was confused.
So, i replied, "Sure, let me know, and tell your mom she can come get a facial from me too, it will be a nice compliment to her prize."
so... I'm thinking i have offended this woman, or i did something really dumb! i have such a small frame of thinking i sometimes don't see the bigger picture, and maybe you can help me see what may have went wrong. My husband thinks i did nothing wrong and it is not personal.
i did this so i could have a good rapport w/ her and she could give me quite a few referrals. i had no idea it would take such an awkward turn.
what to do??
this is so dumb.. sorry :/
To me, it sounds like the 'fabulous spa' experience wasn't so fabulous and maybe they have no frame of reference to know that all treatments are different? It could be that she is expecting 'just lotions' from you too and isn't that excited about it. Maybe you can send her a description of what you will do, that will provide relaxation and results, so she know will not all facials are the same and some are much better than others. I wouldn't take it personal, some people are just not into skin care like we are. Good Luck.
thanks for the suggestions :)
you made me feel better, thank you :)
I agree with Jodi's interpretation! You are far from a "bad business person". In fact, the offer you made them was ingenious and generous. Their lose!!!
wow, thank you! i am just not sure where it all went wrong.
You know what my take on this is? I have found over the years (because i am old!! hahah) that some people when presented with a 'freebie' or something nice is being offered to them. They are either a taker and take everything free that is offered to them with no thanks OR they don't feel very deserving of such an offer. Seriously, this is nothing you have done wrong, it is just the perils of human nature! We are such complicated creatures with so many different characters and personality types. in this industry you have to (like any industry) do the best job you can, give favors without expecting anything in return and let go when somebody doesn't react to a certain situation like or how you would like them too. As for the 'no reply' this happens because people get busy (still rude) and their feelings/emotions attached to this offer are not on a par with your feelings. Remove your feelings from the equation and carry on! Good luck Heather... :)
Hmmm... that is very insightful. i would have never thought of it in that way. Thank you for the kind words and support. I will try to do as you say! Thank you again! :)
Don't apologize for trying to solve the mysteries of the human mind :) Totally agree with everyone. You can't take this personally. We rarely ever know what goes on in the minds of our client's. You were doing what you thought would be the right thing to do, if the recipient doesn't want to accept the offer, that's on them, not you. Keep putting good out there and those that are receptive will find you.
That is a great thought, and I will continue to do that! Thank you so much! I tend to internalize too much i suppose... it's just facials right?!?! LOL :) Good advice, much appreciated!
I am a new Esti and I also rent my own room and business is very slow...I have at least 6 free facials that I have given out to numerous fb winners and contest winners and I will say that finally only one has called to schedule. It's crazy but sometimes people are just too busy I suppose. oh I should mention too that that free client was supposed to come in Friday and she cancelled 30 min before because her sewage was backing up due to bad weather so I totally get where you are coming from and why you are feeling this way. I have honetly been in the dumps myself bc I am like what am I doing wrong, I have great specials and I am constantly handing out flyers, putting biz crds places, etc etc and the business is just slowly coming. I have actually just hired a business coach for 6 months becaue I am desperate. SOOOO, what I am trying to say is dont get down, you did everything right...people just don't take time for themselves sometimes and you said she is a mom of 7...I can imagine she NEVER gets time to herself. Maybe you could offer her an after hour appointment or heck, even offer to go to her house and just give her a little pampering. Keep your head up and keep doign what you are doing Heather!! You are gonna do great ad you ARE a great business person!
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