I am freelancing out of my home (in compliance). So I think that a lot of people don't have to show up on time as they would in a "regular" location.
I always have late clients even though I tell them to come 10-15 min early to fill out the consent forms and consult w/ me about their concerns/history.
Today, i had a new client come from about 30 miles away, and I confirmed the appt w/ her this morning, and said please call if you cannot make it. She never called so, i prepared for her appt.
Well, a half hour passed and she didn't show. I was just about to call her, to say you missed your appt, let's reschedule, when she called me saying she was on "street name" and needed directions. I said we need to reschedule because she was 30 minutes late and we wouldn't have time to finish her appt before my next one. She was agitated and said she drove over an hour and spent X money on gas and her hubby rushed home from work, etc... I said "why didn't you call me to say you were running late?" she replied, "you only told me to call you if I wasn't going to show up." I was very confused by that statement.... did i really need to say call if you're going to be late?
It ended on a very awkward note, and i doubt she will reschedule, but am pretty sure she will bad mouth me for not accommodating her.
What is weird is, her appointment was for Saturday originally, but she told me if i can see her friday that would be best because her husband gets off work at noon. i called her back to tell her I did indeed have an opening on Friday. She selected the time, 3pm (well after her hubby comes home).
I feel bad for turning her away, but it wouldn't have worked out time-wise. She really put the blame on me and I feel like if she had just called to say she was running late, i could've juggled my schedule a little.
Is there any damage control i can do? i was thinking of emailing her, but what do i say? is that even necessary?
i feel guilty, like it was a lose-lose for both of us :/
hate this feeling.....
I understand your concern, but is this the type of client you really want long term? Someone who feels your time isn't valuable? In cases like this, had she not called and just shown up, I would have told her I would have to shorten her treatment to complete in the time left or reschedule. If someone can't understand why this is an issue, then truly, this isn't someone you want as a regular. As for her bad-mouthing you, if she is an hour away, I don't think it will affect the clientele base in your area. You could pre-empt this by putting something on your website or brochure stating 'late clients will have their treatment shortened to be completed in the remaining time' something like that.
Thank you! That is an excellent suggestion about putting a stipulation in writing about being late.
I'm with Jodi on this...never reschedule their appointment if they are late. If someone calls me from the road to tell me they are running late and they ask if they should reschedule, I always tell them to come in (unless of course there is only 15 minutes left) and we'll do the most we can with time we have left. Also, this truly is not the type of client you want anyway. If she acts this way the first time you meet, know that she is showing you who she is and it will happen over and over again. Let it go!
thanks for your input! not sure if jodi was saying that, but she said IF the client had just shown up. she was half hour late and still wasn't at my place. So, by the time she got here, and filled out her paperwork and so forth there would be no time. I asked her to come 10-15 mins early to do all that so she really was about 45 minutes late. She obviously thought her being over a half hour late was not a problem at all, blamed me, and thought i owed her something. The more i hash it out in my brain, the more i see how entitled she was and feel better about not having the client.
Some people are just generally rude and have no class. Seriously, anybody knows if they have an appointment they should be there on time. If she went to the docs and was running late, she would miss her appt and possibly get charged for it. We have to train our clients that confirmation is needed, they have to reschedule if they are 20 minutes late etc... Sometimes we lose our 'new' clients that behave like this....but do you want that kind of client? When we have stood our ground and trained them, they either stick with us and adhere to our policy or they go on their merry way! We are treated however we let people treat us.
Sending a very polite email stating that an appt made whether it is for doctor, dentist, hair or for yourself is the same across the board and the policy you have due to your busy in demand schedule is no different than any other service she chooses to visit. Apologize, to her stating that you are sorry there was some confusion, but as stated above it is a requirement for anybody when a time has been set....there are no exceptions. don't worry if you lose her as a client....you are probably best without to be honest.
The minute you start feeling guilty is the minute you will start finding more clients that treat you this way. Remove that guilt feeling and keep to your policies and clients will respect that!
You are doing a good job!!
can i hug you?? :) thank you so much! I really needed to hear that.
Heather, we have all been there. Claire hit the nail on the head, we have to train our clients. Just like any relationship we teach people how to treat us but the type of behavior we are willing to accept. I am a hard nose when it comes to things like this. In the beginning I would just fume and get so angry when people would confirm over the phone and then not show up. I would take it personally. Then I finally realized it has nothing to do with me. That is when I decided to implement a cancellation policy. My policy is a min $25 charge for no-shows or appt cancelled less than 24 hours in advance of their appt. If you have a 1pm appt with me and you show up at 1:20, you must reschedule your appt and pay the $25 fee. Usually I only have to enforce this once, after that people understand that my time is as valuable as theirs. Having "the talk" can be unnerving at first, but standing up for yourself and your business is a necessity. And as has been said, do you really want this type of client in your stable anyway?
This is most helpful and encouraging!! Thank you so much for taking the time (your valuable time) to give me support! i am taking this to heart and appreciate you sharing your experiences! :)
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