ok, i am pretty sure i am not a good business person, unlike i previously thought.

i apprehensively turned to Facebook to generate some biz for myself. I have a FB friend, who i've casually met and have many mutual friends, but not real-life hang-out with friends. We belong to the same local meetup group. 

this friend was posting about her mom trying to win a contest on FB for a mother's day spa package at a well known spa. she was encouraging friends to vote for the pic so her mom would win. she also had a sweet story about her mom to go along w/ it.

I decided that i would offer her mom, as a consolation, a free facial w/ me if she doesn't win the fabulous spa package. I also offered one to the friend as well, since she is deserving of great experience as well (mom of 7). I emailed friend and in her reply she was so excited and grateful and said she would love that for her mom and herself and she would put a note of it i her mom's mother's day card.

well, the mom did indeed WIN the fabulous spa package from the fancy day spa. i found out through someone else. Great for the mom. I emailed friend again and said congratulations to your mom, etc.... hope she enjoys her fabulous spa experience. I still would like to offer you the facial, so let me know when you're free to see me!


her reply was, (in my interpretation, a less than thrilled tone) "thanks, it wasn't what i thought it was for her, just lotions, nothing special. I'm very busy, so I will let you know when i can."

I thought, did i upset her by not giving her mom the facial anyway? did she misunderstand that it was for if the mom didn't win the contest? did she already tell the mom she got the facial from me, before the contest was over? i was confused.

So, i replied, "Sure, let me know, and tell your mom she can come get a facial from me too, it will be a nice compliment to her prize."


so... I'm thinking i have offended this woman, or i did something really dumb! i have such a small frame of thinking i sometimes don't see the bigger picture, and maybe you can help me see what may have went wrong. My husband thinks i did nothing wrong and it is not personal.

i did this so i could have a good rapport w/ her and she could give me quite a few referrals. i had no idea it would take such an awkward turn.

what to do??


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It takes time and patience to build a solid book of clients that rebook.  In my opinion, specials should be done sparingly.  If you are always offering deals and freebies then you will attract people that are always looking for deals and freebies.  Complimentary services should be reserved for those that will help you build your business by becoming regular clients and by referring more clients to you.  Qualify your complimentary service recipients first.  Do they have a steady job that will afford them the ability to get regular services?  Do they belong to groups or organizations that could be a potential new client pool to pull from?  Is this recipient someone you would enjoy having as a regular client?  If the potential client is more concerned about being able to afford your services and waits until you offer specials and discounts, then, chances are, you will only see those people on those occasions.  If your potential client's are concerned about improving the health of their skin and believe that taking care of themselves is a priority, then the cost won't be that big of a concern for them and they won't care if you have a special deal or not.  Those are the client's that you want. It's the quality of the client, that is important.  5 clients willing to pay full price is much better than 10 client's willing to pay half price.  It's all about working smarter not harder.  Just my two cents.


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