Have any of you tried Skin Script's 8-week TCA protocol for pigmentation?  I've had this protocol for 2 years, but I find that estheticians are nervous when using TCA and haven't had a lot of feedback about this product until the past few months.

This protocol is designed to work specifically on pigmentation issues (melasma and hyperpigmentation), but also works very well on acne and aging clients.

I made this TCA for specifically for Fitzpatricks 4-6, but it can be used on anyone (except sensitive and rosacea).  It's highly buffered with Azaleic, Kojic and Arbutin.  The TCA simply acts as a carrier to carry the natural lighteners to the melanocyte.  When you apply the TCA it generally will NOT frost and the tingle sensation is around a 2.  Estheticians will call me and claim it is defective because it's not burning!  I don't want it to burn; I want it to gently exfoliate the skin and carry the lighteners to the melanocyte.

The feedback has been tremendous on this protocol.  Great results, even after 4 weeks, and it has minimal to no downtime.  Here are the steps:

1)  Week 1: Consultation and get your client on homecare.

2)  Week 2: Glycolic Peel

3)  Week 3: Lactic Peel

4)  Week 4:  2 Layers of the TCA

5)  Weeks 5-7:  Let the skin rest

6)  Week 8:  4-6 Layers of the TCA

I'd love to hear your feedback on this peel.

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Hi Cheryl:  I don't have a professional treatment for dark circles, but I highly recommend our Peptide Eye Serum used twice a day, morning and night.  It will lift dark circles significantly, but because we aren't correcting the root case, the minute you stop using the Peptide Eye Serum, the dark circles return.  Most of the time, dark circles are hereditary and I don't have a fix for that.  Allergies can cause dark circles and again, I don't have a fix for allergies either.  :)

I have a lady who is very fair skin Fitz 1 red hair light eyes. I waxed her brows and upper lip went well . She said she is coming in for a facial wanted to know if I could help her with her skin, Well of coarse I can :) So, she does have the larger freckley spots all over not just face but chest and arms as well. Now this might be a stupid ? but would this be considered hyperpigmentation? Can this be treated with this protocol or is this type of pigmentation  she will just  have to live with. Also being this fair would treatment be more on the gentle side? Thanks any opinions would be appreciated.

Hi Cheryl:

I see this as more sun damage (freckling) rather than hyperpigmentation which is usually caused by trauma to the skin.  I think peels will help with the sun damage/freckles, BUT your client is an excellent candidate for IPL (laser treatments) that will pick up 90%+ of sun damage on a Fitz 1.  If you don't have access to IPL, I would suggest the 8 week hyperpigmentation series.

Hi Lisa so would these be more the line of Lentigens ? And so IPL will help with these and laser but topically treated these are to deep? 

Hi Cheryl - I think there is a difference between the sun damage/freckles and the lentigines.  I believe freckles are associated to more melanosomes vs. lentigines are more melanocytes.  Based on this, it is my opinion that IPL is great for freckles because the light captures the melanosome pigment and can destroy it and lift it.  IPL will not destroy melanocytes.  Lighteners and peels could inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme that stimulates the melanocyte to help lift the pigment, but it will not stop it completely.  The bottom line?  I would treat lentigines like melasma with peels and lighteners.

Well I took the plunge and ordered the TCA Peel.

I was so excited to attend the training class on Monday near Philadelphia. Just a few months ago I was thinking that they would NEVER come out for a class near me! It was a great class and well attended.

So I had to place a regular order anyway and just added the TCA. (LOL - and I forgot to order my Seaweed Masque ...darn it)

I was going to wait until the end of Summer on the TCA - but it looks like we are going to have cool weather and rain here in the Northeast for awhile, and since my order will be here soon I may give it a try.

I am my favorite guinea pig to try things on.  And now Lisa knows my secret... that I have some "issues" with my skin that may not respond to ANY peels. I have lots of uneven skin tone and age related damage...some of which might not be apparent until I get under a mag lamp. But I have at least two CLIENTS that this peel would be appropriate for.

Oh - a derm I went to last year suggested that a TCA peel might help with my lip lines. Not sure if it will, but that would be nice.

Cindy - it was a pleasure to meet you!  We had a great time touring New England, including Pennsylvania.  I hope you see the results from the TCA that we talked about.  Best in a series.  Regarding the lip lines, peels will help, but I feel filler (like Juvederm/Restylane) are sometimes the best for deeper lines.  Peels will help with the texture.  Keep me updated!

Hi Lisa:

Is Chicago anywhere on the agenda for a training class, or did I miss it? I am fairly new to the esthetics field and feel that you can never receive too much training.......thanks!

Hi:  We were in Chicago in March and April 2012.  We will be back in 2013 for the Chicago Face & Body Trade Show.  Will you attend that trade show?  We will have a class there also.  We will be working on our 2013 training schedule in November.  We will ensure we come back to Chicago next Spring.  In the meantime, we have webinars that you may listen to.  To register, visit www.skinscriptrx.com and click on the training tab.

Hi Lisa I have started my sister on the home care for 2 weeks we are going to do this protocol for her hyperpigmentation . she is a fitz 2 dry skin type , also has sun damage with the dialated caps on the cheeks.

I did her 1st peel yesterday for her 1st peel (the glycolic.) she called this morning she is tight and feels like a sunburn told her that was normal also she had said on her forehead and the left cheek looks like a burn ( is this possible where the peel went a bit deeper)

also her cheeks were super red and as for staying on the retinol and the pads and glycolic cleanser would that be to much? I did tell her to just cleanse with the pomegrate and cuke toner and moisturizer in the morning and tonight and of coarse always her spf and we will see how she is tomorrow and then continue with the exfoliating and retinol at home . now also she will be fine with the tca being a fitz 2 right thanks Lisa Her skin is much brighter just from her home care and was a little flakey.

This tells me that the client/sister needs to move slower on the peels.  Using the glycolic or lactic first gives us a gauge of the skin's sensitivities.  I would space the treatments further apart (2-3 weeks apart), and yes, I would modify her homecare during the treatments to only a gentle cleanser, toner, moisturizer and spf.  One protocol does not fit all skin types; so modify the treatments to keep them gentle (I would not move to the TCA until you felt comfortable) and keep up with the homecare, lactic and glycolics spaced 2-3 weeks apart.  It sounds like she is receiving good results just from the homecare and light treatments.  You might proceed just the way you are and not move to anything more aggressive.  Some people respond really well to mild treatments alone.  :)

Perfect exactly as I was thinking. I did just that, gentle home care for now and we are going to see how the skin feels and looks next week and proceed from there thanks again Lisa Always Learning :) I did talk to her tonight and things have calmed down quite a bit since yesterday . Just needed to confirm and check in with you as I am just starting to use your peels  have been gentle for me but my skin also has more of a tolerance . I will move more slowly with her Have a Great weekend.


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