I am looking for a new skin care product line.  Anyone have one they would recommend that is a more natural with preferably no parabens, SLS in cleanser.  I'd like a line with an ingredient list that clients can read and pronounce.  Something they would feel good about putting into their skin.  Thanks in advance :D  I am also looking at mineral makeup if anyone has a line they love.

Tags: makeup, natural, skincare

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i am looking for something like this for a long long time.

Check the regulations for selling products in your state.  I have never had any problems with my natural ingred. skin care line as they are all natural and you could eat them and they would not be dangerous.  I know my clients skin before I sell my products to them as I have used them during treatments. We should all dot that anyway.  I have had clients come in after using products that were sold to them after seeing a derm. they were so expensive and their skin looked awful! They had no follow up either. All natural is much safer than man made chemicals.  The shelf life is much shorter on natural products and I make them in small batches using steril bottles and pumps.  Bacteria is not a problem as I incorportate pure essential oils which are anti bacterial and anti viral. There are dozens of books with recipes.  Hand made soaps and lotions are sold on line and at craft fairs.  Just make sure your labels don't make any claims that are not true and use a disclaimer statement. Things can always go wrong with any product on a clients skin, hand made or manufactured, but my business is small and again, I know my clients and they love hand made and all natural. they feel healthier and their skin looks beautiful.  All natural does take longer to see results on the skin than using chemicals made in a manufacturing plant from who knows where. Results are more dramatic, it is a proven fact.

Thank you for replying.  I am one of the very few oncology aestheticians in Illinois.  Working with severely immune suppressed individuals, with very fragile skin is challenging.  Ingredients are more critical among this population than with healthy folks.  I'm super cautious with everyone with regard to sanitation.  My daughter contracted a bacterial infection, which was thought to be MERSA, while having a massage.  She had to see an infectious disease doctor and is left with three very large scars.  When I asked the doctor "How"  she said, bacteria can hide then travel fast and furious, invading at a rapid pace.  Bacteria, viruses and parasites can contaminate in a controlled environment.  If a person has a bit of a low immune system, bingo, these little critters now have a host.  I'm not sure what state you live in, but I know we cannot manufacture products for consumption or skin without acquiring the proper credentials, permits etc.,  from the health department. And then are inspected on a regular basis.

There are many skincare lines out there that are organic, and even certified organic to choose from. They also have chemists that hold PhD's creating synergistic formulas which are packaged and batched under proper conditions..  With all due respect, isn't that a safer route?  

This is a choice we make as professionals, first for our clients as to their safety, second they make the final decision on what they know is right for them. My clients know how to choose what is safe for them.  Knowledge is the key to responsibility with safety issues.  I have studied for years about essential oils and the history of healing and "protection" they provide.  When we make personal choices for our own health and our client's we don't always need to rely on or trust the government to help us choose what is best. We know the government has told us in the past what is safe, then they discover certain chemicals or formulas that had their stamp of approval are now considered dangerous. The books that are available for making all natural products are written by professionals in our field and they have had much sucess with their own lines of products.  Check out the books "Aromathererapy" by Kathi Keville and Mindy Green or "Natural Beauty at Home' by Janice Cox.. These women have appeared on television and in national magazines and newspapers with their skin care ingred.  The choice is up to you and your clients.  All I can share is what I have experienced. The safer route for ourselves and clients is a choice, a freedom of choice.  It is a matter of opinion through research and education. I am able of offer products to my clients that I trust because I have personally provided safety.  So if you feel you can trust companies and the safety they offer then I would recommend you trust them. My clients know I care much for them and that is why I don't need to advertise.  They seek me out because of my attitude towards helping them.  I am sorry to hear about your daughter!  but perhaps the massage oil was not properly handled and was it manufactured by a professional company? Would love to hear more comments from others on these issues!

I know this is going to sound rude, but I tend to be blunt.  Your clients are coming to you and telling you what they need with regard to their products?  If they know all that,  then what do they need to come to you for?  They can purchase the same stuff you are purchasing from the internet and mix it up themselves.  

I'm sorry Sayra, you cannot read a book and know what you are doing.  One must have some type of formal education to put formulas together.  If you told me that everything you do is overseen by a reputable lab and, you have all your products tested by a third party and, it has proper labeling and batch numbers, I would be okay with that.  But then again as I said to Sheila, who wants to file suite against an aesthetician?  Most probably don't even carry liability insurance.  It's not newsworthy and there is no money to be had.  

The safe cosmetic act cannot pass soon enough!

My clients are all professional women,  and they are well informed on ingred..etc. You also know that most clients have all kinds of information on what is good for them available at their finger tips on line, or at least mine do.  Simple as that! The women who have shared their own formulas in publications, including ASP magazines, etc. have seen results and so have I. No need to debate that.  My clients have educated themselves and know what is good for their skin and health. They do not have time or interest in making their own skin care products.  I am sure you will have a bright future retailing your own choice of products. I don't wish to argue that with you. One of my greatest pleasures is seeing beautiful healthy skin when my clients come in to see me every month.  We cover quite a bit during their appointments including a 30 min. massage, etc. and they leave feeling ready to face the world once again knowing they have taken care of themselves.  That is the pleasure I would hope you feel after a day's work in your own practice and the greatest reward for all of us.

Juliette, so sorry to hear about your daughter!  That is awful!  How were you able to identify the massage as the culprit?  I am just curious.  That scares me that could happen and never want to put my clients at risk.

She immediately developed a large lump under her arm where the nodes are dense. Which then traveled

Juliette-I agree with you completely. It is one thing if we want to make our own product lines to use on ourselves, but it is another thing to use it on paying clients. You have to wonder what the law is here. Who protects the consumer? What about accidental contamination? What about peanut allergies? Is it a peanut free facility where she manufactures the products? I am all about organic, but I would never let anyone put something on my face that they made at home.


I completely agree. I feel that at professional facilities they have OSHA standards they must meet, surely get inspected and have saftey standards and equipment in place. 

Thank you for agreeing.  If we ban together, we will be able to keep our clients, and even the clients of our competitors safe.

Thank you Nicole.  We must educate everyone we come into contact with about this most serious issue.


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