Hello everyone! We are working on the Jan/Feb issue and would like your opinions on these two front cover images. Which one do you like better, and why? There's no right answer - we are just interested in getting more of a feel for what appeals to Skin Deep readers.



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Thanks everybody! Your input was very useful. The magazine will be reaching ASCP members just before Christmas, and you can all see which one we chose after hearing from everyone here and on Facebook!

Can't wait!

the second one catches my eye because it looks natural, that she's thinking about a brow lift, the other one looks too 'cartoonish' and for a younger crowd (maybe not quite 'ready' for a brow life)   (-:


I love the second one also.  Fresh, beautiful and sweet :)

The cartoon is very cute although my choice would have to be the second cover (lower option).  Reasons being...  looks more professional and would be more appealing to the Skin Care Professional :)

second!  the first doesnt even really look like a magazine!

I like the second- I feel like it is cute- and more professional.


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