This service has become quite popular in some areas.  Does anyone get requests to spruce up the downstairs area? 

What's your most popular shape request?  Mine is usually a heart or cherries.

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Where can I find the brazilian bling and what would you suggest to charge for it?

on my website:

What you charge depends on what you think your client's are willing to pay.  For the glitter tattoos I charge $8-$10 (up to three glitter colors)  For the crystal tattoos I charge $10-$12. 

Hi crickett! I just want to know for how long glitter or crystal tattoos last?

Hey Gabriela,

The glitter tattoos last from 1-2 weeks and sometimes longer depending on the wear and tear and friction in the area.  The crystals will last 2-4 days sometimes longer. Again depends on friction etc.   Hope this helps.

So far and still new at this (licensed 1 yr in Aug) I have only been asked to do a heart shape one time, came out ok would be interested in adding some glitter, though I think this area is a bit slower to catch up. I bought all the "Betty shapes" back after I did the heart and haven't used them. I did just purchase some bleaching creme-not sure on that but had a gal ask.

Shapes in the hair are far more time consuming to do than adding a crystal or glitter tattoo.  The easiest way I have found to add a shape in the hair of the Brazilian area is using plastic cookie cutters and washable crayola markers. You trace the shape right round the hair onto the skin and wax around it then wash off the marker.   To me, shapes in the hair only look good if the person has enough hair, otherwise it just looks like a patch of shapeless hair got left behind.  Just my opinion.   As for bleaching, depends on where you are located if your license permits you to bleach.  Also, this takes a lot of extra time to do.  If you are bleaching you are leaving the product on for 20-30 minutes, then taking it off and putting on a color again leaving it on for 20-30 minutes.  It's a long process.

Good to know, I did read-after I ordered it-that it needed to be done 2xd till reached desired color so think it would have to be retailed. I agree the amount of hair in a design makes a big difference. the gal I tried it on, just didn't have enough-her growth had really diminished too much.



How would you clean the skin right after waxing for the brazilian bling?

Hi Megan,  I use witch hazel to clean after a Brazilian.  It won't sting and will remove the residue.  Just make sure you're not using too much oil after waxing. Hope this helps.

hi criket, how do you put hearts or designs on a bikini? thank you

Hi Denise, do you mean in the actual hair or with tattoos and stencils?  If you are talking about in the actual hair, look up a couple of posts, I give my method.


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