So after talking with several clients and dealing with my own issues. It has come to my attention that I really don't know "How" acne is forming in the skin.  Meaning that I do not know how the hormones, stress or other things interact with our bodies, causing acne? What hormones? Where is the imbalance? and other contributing factors. Any ideas ladies? Thanks a bazillion ;)

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Interesting you bring this up under Business Women Tips.....


Since this is my life's passion, I'll tell you what I know and think to be true.  Acne is caused by the inherited propensity of the pores to shed dead skin cells at a much faster rate than normal pores.  The dead skin cells sludge up with the sebum to form a plug.  If the body sees that plug as an invader, it sends white blood cells to fight it - which is a pimple/pustule.  If it doesn't see it as an invader it turns into just a blackhead/whitehead. This is why antibiotics don't work for acne - acne is not "caused" by bacteria.  Bacteria is a side effect of the actual cause.


Hormones, stress, certain foods that are high in iodides or are androgenic, drugs (some drugs cause acne), fabric softeners, water softeners, comedogenic ingredients in products all exacerbate acne (but most of these things done "cause" it). Certain conditions like PCOS which are androgen-dominant conditions cause acne. 


There are certain industrial chemicals like coal tars, cutting oils, dioxin and chlorinated industrials chemicals that can cause it and/or make it worse.  Drugs such as lithium, corticosteroids, gonadotrophin, phentermine, thyroid preparations can all cause/worsen acne.  Recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, speeds and bromine (yes, what you see in cough syrup... and there are bromide addicts out there) can make acne worse.


I have tons of free information on my website and blog.  I also have a training dvd that goes in to GREAT detail about all of this and how to treat it.  Another GREAT resource is Dr. Fulton's book, Acne Rx.


Face Reality Acne Clinic

Acne Skin Care Blog


Deirdre, there is an acne group on here started by Laura Cooksey.  It might shed some light for you.  Her and Kat are the experts.  Also, go by Dr. James Fulton's book Acne Rx.  You will learn all you need to know.  Oh, I see Laura already replied.
Thank you ladies. I had asked the question because this is an area where we share our tips and wisdom... from one business woman to another. I intended the group to share whatever comes to mind. Some times I do not have extra time to search through all the groups. Anyhow, thank you for the information. @ Laura, I have seen some of your information and it is always helpful, so thank you. and @ Brenda, I appreciate your recommendation as well. I could always use another book! :)
Deirdre, I have a very good book for you to read by one of the men who first discovered Retin A for the skin. Look for the book online:" Acne RX What Acne is and how to eliminate its Devastating Effects" by James E. Fulton, MD. He also has a skin care line called Vivant that offers products you may choose to use for acne. He will be offering a class at the Las Vegas Esthetics show in June. This book will definitely get you started in understanding acne. Good luck.


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