HELP! Need help bringing in clients for New Business

Hi fellow Estys, I need help and I need your help now!

I’ve opened a skincare studio inside of a salon, and though I knew (from past experience) that business is can be slow during summer months, I never believed that I would totally hit a brick wall.

I’ve introduced myself by putting together gift bags and delivering them to the other stylists and businesses, and I’ve had some to come by, and they all stated that the studio is beautiful and serene. I want to approach the others that have not acknowledged me or my intro, but I don’t want to be a pest or make anyone angry. (Because I know people are busy…)


Next, I was told that business could be generated through family and friends. Well, I’ve received lots of congrats, but only a few bookings. Is it wrong or rude of me to ask family and friends to come in? I don’t expect them to financially support me, but I’d hoped that they would at least booked and kept one appointment each. Doing so would allow me to make during a rough beginning, and I am offering discounts.


I know this is a bit much, but I’m wondering if I need to close or what… I simply cannot afford to remain opened without making ANY money.


Your help and comments are greatly appreciated! Thanks

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Comment by Sheila Gordon on July 12, 2012 at 11:41am

I definitely feel you!  I never really put much thought into how much all of this was going to be exhausting and overwhelming, especially when there isn't any return!  it's very frustrating!!  I just paid to have 5000 door flyers distributed in my area...not one call.  YIKES!!!  It's almost like we need assistants, lol, but I can' afford one.  hahaha.

Comment by Lugenia's Skincare Studio on July 12, 2012 at 9:47am

Thank you so much Sheila, and I’m accepting and receiving those positive vibes! Yes, my mentor and I brain storm, and I’ve created flyers and have had material printed through Vista Print, to give out at gyms, dental offices, some doctor offices (FP, Internist, etc.), and other businesses around my studio/salon. Working as an esthetician is wonderful, but marketing is something altogether different, hey, but I pray that the experience will only make me better! You hang in there too! It seems as though you are on top of your game, and I wish you nothing but success!

Comment by Sheila Gordon on July 11, 2012 at 2:07pm

I am actually in this same exact boat!  I am wondering how you stay positive and keep your head up in the slow times!  It's hard.  What I find is that I am less motivated during slow times for some reason.  I have had these exact thoughts about closing and I have actually been looking for another job, but I am going to keep trucking forward and pray and beleive that the clients will come.  During summer I think we should be offering the BOGO hydrating facials or even bogo waxing since waxing doesn't cost much.  I also offer spray tanning and was planning on doing some bogos with that.  I would network as much as possible, as this has been hard for me.  It's overwhelming how many networking opps there are, just start with one networking event a week if possible.  Also, I just did this today, call all local gyms, especially womens gyms and see about vendor opportunities.  I actually got lucky and found one has a opp next week.  Also, look to see if there are any other newer business in the area that you could cross market with.  I am doing this with a laser lipo center.  It's like we have all these great ideas they are just taking time, but not getting discouraged in the slow times is TOUGH so I feel you!  BIG HUGSS!!  Sending positive vibes your way for sure Lugenia!! 


VitalizeMe Skin Therapy

Comment by Lugenia's Skincare Studio on July 8, 2012 at 2:56pm

Hi Arleta, thanks so much for sharing your experience. I do have a few questions though... How are you able to keep products if you offer straight complimentary appointments? The process sounds wonderful, but I'm worried about my overhead. Also, do you present material advertising your complimentary services or do you simply approach people at your salon/spa/location? Thanks again!

Comment by Arleta Guterz on July 6, 2012 at 10:28pm

I have found that every person I approach, I offer them a free skin assessment to determine skin type as   well as a complimentary cleansing which consists of cleanse, assess, exfoliate, tone & moisturize. Out of 10 people I offer this to I get @ least 5 bookings.  Clients love free services! Stay encouraged, they will come back.

Comment by Lugenia's Skincare Studio on June 30, 2012 at 11:09pm

Thanks Shelley (friend in my head)! Your advice is Right on, BUT the challenge is finding that light in a sea of doubt. I'm ALWAYS the one who's telling others to keep their chins up and their thoughts up, but now I'm in unfamiliar territory, but I am so working on it! Thanks again to you and Debbie for reaching out, because God knows I need it!

Comment by Shelley Hancock on June 30, 2012 at 7:40am

Debbie is spot on with all of her comments!! Most important...STAY POSITIVE! This may sound woowoo, but if your energy is "desperate" potential clients will feel that. They won't know what it is they are feeling, they just won't be attracted to you. When someone walks around with an air of happiness and excitment people want to be around that. I can feel the desperation in your post, Imagine if those potential clients are feeling that also. Continue to do all of those wonderful things you are doing, but approach them with a different light and happy, open and excited. I bet you anything, you begin to get a different response from people.


Like Lugenia said...we are all sending you big hugs! Hang in there, it is sooo worth it!


Comment by Lugenia's Skincare Studio on June 27, 2012 at 1:07pm

Debbie, I could hug you! Thanks! This is much harder than I thought.

I have a great mentor, but I feel bad about always contacting her! :-) Your ideas are great, and as God is my witness, my sister was just telling me to offer the same sort of special, but I told her that I needed to hear from other skincare therapists. I haven't joined any local meetup groups, but I will look into it. Right now, I'm shy about offering free services of the bat, because I won't be able to purchase more products if I'm not making money. However, I have offered them a $25 facial.

Comment by Debbie McLaughlin on June 27, 2012 at 12:42pm

I don't know how long you've been open, but DO NOT GIVE UP!  It's difficult in the beginning, but you just have to keep plugging away!  I would offer any one who supported you in school a discount (I have a few friends that came twice to be guinea pigs, and I now offer them 25% discount on facials and peels as my way to thank them for supporting me in school).  What really helped draw people in for me was my "Buy One Get One Free Facial" special!  I am a new esty, and my sister is the one who suggested the "BOGO".  I was apprehensive at first, but $30 per client is better than $0 per client.  Plus IT GETS PEOPLE IN THE DOOR!  I have many clients that have stayed even after my special was done.   I know some people feel that you should NEVER discount your services, because you're worth it, but in the beginning, it's necessary.  Keep visiting surrounding businesses, join local meetup (networking) groups, offer to speak about skincare at your local Women's Club, etc.  Offer free facials to the hairstylists that work in your salon, so that they know how good you are so they can recommend their clients.  Stay positive, keep smiling, keep promoting yourself and they will come!  Good luck!

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