Some foods are compatible with your DNA. Other foods aren't. We know from scientific research that our present-day DNA is virtually identical to that of the caveman and cavewoman's. Over seven million years, the foods they ate become compatible with their DNA, which is our DNA today. These foods are called Paleo Foods.
Here's what the cavepeople ate:
*Animal proteins, such as meat, fish, and poultry
*Nuts and seeds
*Vegetables and fruits, including edamame (fresh green soy beans) and berries
*Herbs and spices
You can eat and DIGEST these foods with ease. Few people are allergic to whole categories of these foods. These foods are low glycemic and good for your skin. You could possibly be allergic to one of these foods, if so, don't eat it.

A second category of foods is called Neo Foods. Humans have eaten them for only 10,000 years or less. These foods haven't been in the food chain long enough for human DNA to adapt well to them. Humans began eating these foods after the domestication of animals, which took place about 10,000 years ago.
These foods include:
*Dairy, cheese, milk, ice cream
*Grains, breads, flour, rice
*White potatoes and corn as we know them today
*Soy protein isolate as contained in soy shakes and protein bars
*Chocolate *Coffee
*Alcoholic beverages
*Artificial foods

Plenty of people are allergic to whole categories of these foods, such as dairy or wheat. They are high glycemic or medium glycemic. People with autoimmune disorders who stop eating these foods often regain their health.
Ideally, for both your skin and your overall health, you would eat Paleo foods exclusively, because they're totally compatible with your DNA. But realistically, people love baked goods and ice cream.
So here's how to have a bit of your cake and eat it too:
Eat Paleo Foods for about 80-85% of your daily intake and eat Neo Foods less often, around 15-20% of your daily food intake.
Make adjustments to those ratios if you aren't getting great results with your skin and health.

-Herbs and spices boost your skins health. They are filled with anti-oxidants and health-giving nutrients. Use them to enhance the taste of all your meals and your skin will benefit as well.
-Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower, are excellent for your skin health. (And according to The Bathery's Naturopath, they can also help to balance your hormones, great for menopausal fluctuations.)
-If you're hooked on soy shakes for breakfast, keep the shake but lose the soy. Instead, add whey powder to your shake. That way you are getting all nine essential amino acids, without the worries of eating too much soy, which can lead to serious problems like thyroid disorders and dementia. Consider eggs with fruit for breakfast, now that's Paleo!
-If you have a skin autoimmune disorder, such as psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, or rosacea, eliminate Neo Foods from your diet for one month. If your condition improves, continue eating Paleo Foods.

Taken from: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Better Skin

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