I've been really thinking about doing Micro Needling on my clients. I'm an esthetician and a Permanent Makeup artist in So California. I'm wondering, can I add this service to my menu? Does anyone know where I can get training? Also, I already have a permanent makeup machine. Can I use this or do the micro-needling pens work better?

Views: 7872

Tags: makeup, micro, needling, permanent


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Comment by Cindy motsinger on May 5, 2016 at 8:55pm
In the state of North Carolina an Esthetician Cannot do Microneedling.
Comment by anne usman on September 2, 2015 at 6:22pm

i feel so silly - but I've tried to find this info online - can estys in Illinois perform CIT - micro needling?

Comment by gisela DiCarlo on September 7, 2013 at 5:58am

I have been doing micro needling for over one year - and love the results. I am a Master Licensed Est.

and also give training in micro needling plus radio frequency and LED LIght procedures. Please go to my website for details. http://thebeautygroup.org   that will get you to the Healinggroup.org

Comment by Yvette Marie on September 6, 2013 at 10:21pm
I work for an advanced skincare surgery & medical center under the direction of a dermatologist and plastic surgeon. Our operations director recently verified the parameters regarding the Skin Stamping vertical micro-needling treatment and the end result was that a licensed medical aesthetician may perform this service only when done in a medical center under the direction of a dermatologist due to insurance and license guidelines.
Comment by Lauren Snow on July 22, 2013 at 9:33am

Hi Denise, I don't believe you can do microneedling under your esthetician license in CA. They are pretty strict and defined when it comes to their rules/regs. You may, like others have said, be able to do this under a permanent makeup artist license, but I would be sure to find out before doing it. The best way to do this is to go straight to the source- the licensing board. They will give you the information you need.

Good luck! :)

Comment by Gisela DiCarlo on July 16, 2013 at 11:55am

By the way - if you are interested I bring them in from Korea and teach the method.:) Send me a note if you want.

Comment by Gisela DiCarlo on July 16, 2013 at 11:53am

Depends what state you are in I believe - but if you can do tatooing then you should be alright - have you seen the new Dermapens? fantastic they truly work on deep lines and scars. 

Comment by merav cohen on July 8, 2013 at 9:27pm
You need to find out with your permanent makeup insurance if they will cover you. The micro-pen I love to use for a full face/ chest/ hands treatments. The permanent makeup machine you can use for individual wrinkles or for a very narrow scar. Don't go any deeper than 1-1.5. Look for a school that provide training. In order to get results you should know how to do it right and the depth of the needle for each area. For me, it's one of my Favorite treatment! Good luck

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