October is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is when everyone gets on board to increase awareness and to raise funds for research, preventative care and a cure.
You probably have signed up to run, walk or swim in an event, set up a giveback campaign at your business or donated funds at your local salon or spa. We need a cure. With 1 out of 8, women are diagnosed with breast cancer.
There are many organizations that you can reach out to in order to help with their efforts to find a cure. Here is a list of organizations that support NBCAM in the USA. If you are looking to host a fundraiser in your business, you can get some ideas from the National Brest Cancer Organization.
Go Pink!
Everything is Pink and Pink is beautiful! There are pink scarves, t-shirts, bags that you can buy as a donation to Breast Cancer Organizations. We have seen some spas and salons actually going pink! Employees wearing pink, pink flowers at the reception and don’t forget to put a donation box on your front desk. Alternatively, do a give back, match your customer’s donations, or give a percentage of your income to your local Breast Cancer Organization. Your customers will know and appreciate that you care.
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