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HiOnce again Synoia Technologies will be exhibiting at Cosmoprof Asia and in Bologna. If you are going, we would love to meet with you to you. We will be at Cosmoprof Asia in Hong Kong, November…Continue
Tags: botox, collagen, acid, Hyaluronic, wishpro
Started Oct 31, 2012
Recently we participated in an interesting conversation about mobile spas. Everything is going mobile so why not spas?
However, there is a lot to consider before opening up your own mobile spa or salon.
Many states prohibit cosmetologists, estheticians and nail technicians from performing services outside of a licensed place of business. So check the rules with your local laws for mobile spa services and check the spa…
ContinuePosted on February 28, 2013 at 7:29am
With so many skin care regiments available, it is difficult to know which one you should do, which treatment you should do often and which you should do maybe seasonally or yearly. First, your aesthetician should be able to write out your “prescription” for the next 6-12 months to make sure that you have beautiful young fresh looking skin. Part of your regiment should be peeling to rejuvenate your skin.
It is just like peeling a vegetable to take off the…
ContinuePosted on January 28, 2013 at 7:00am
Hey you deserve it!
Today there is so much conversation about the rise in narcissism in today’s society, it is even being referred to as the narcissism epidemic. The internet, mainly social networks, infatuation with celebrity media, easy money, and the shakeup of values and morals in the household could be to blame.
Whoa there, this is not what I want to talk…
ContinuePosted on January 25, 2013 at 8:30am — 1 Comment
Let’s just answer the question that is running in your brain,“Who uses Pinterest?”
According to the Pew Internet Research Center, women dominate Pinterest. Now, answer my question, who dominates your spa or salon? Women
I found this infographic on Mashable, if you look at the stats and demographics you will see that your “customer” is right there,…
ContinuePosted on January 24, 2013 at 3:27am
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