OTC recommendations when client doesn't want to purchase my retail

I try to be helpful to everyone who walks through my spa's door, and sometimes, they are not ready to purchase the retail I carry; they believe that they can pay less finding OTC products.In my opinion, a lot of times, they would be paying less or equal to what they would be paying for OTC products, even though they'll have a higher concentration of active ingedients from what they'd purchase from me.

I still want to be helpful - does anyone have recommendations for good OTC products for hormonal acne, dry skin moisturizer or an oil free moisturizer for acne prone skin? Thanks!

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Don't get into that trap.

My oil free moisturizers are not any more expensive than OTC.

The only thing that I ever do for clients is go over their current products with them and let them know what they can keep using and what they need to throw out.

Just figure out what to say...

"I can't recommend any OTC product. Those products contain dyes, preservatives, and fragrances in addition to other additives that are not beneficial for your skin.  They do not contain sufficient quantities of the ingredients that your skin DOES need.  You will just be wasting your money and I don't want to see you do that."

Cindy I love that response I may have to use that one day. I had a client ask me one time do i pay wholesale, and mark the products up to make a profit

Wow! What did you say, Brittnee. I think I would be stumped if someone approached me with that question.

Sorry for the delay Theresa been busy planning a spa party for client , and a baby shower for a loved one. I honestly was stumped. I told them that the product line set that price, and when i order in bulk i get a slight discount. I felt bad for lying, but that was the answer i cam up real quick. I do love Carrie response, i may have to use that.

I wonder if they ask the same question at the supermarket or pharmacy or department store.

Perhaps that would be an appropriate response. "Yes, I operate my business the same way all businesses operate. The difference between a small business like mine, and a large supermarket chain or department store, is that they make higher profits on their markup by selling less effective products that are cheaper to produce."

I like that Carrie!

I love that response and def will use it next time

I'm just so stumped that anybody would NOT realize that this is how every business in the world operates!! There are some strange people out there...

Good reply Cindy1


@Sara - you are just not going to get strong enough product to get hormonal acne under control with OTC products.  That takes very specialized products/treatments.  I totally agree with Cindy.  You could give them a list of comedogenic ingredients and let them do their own research.  I would tell them, when you are ready to get real results with your skin, then come back - I'll be here.....

Pore Clogging Ingredients

Love that article Laura...

wow, algae extract and red algae are up there...I would never have guessed

Yeah, we just tested a liquid mineral foundation on one of my employees that has algae extract in it.  Her face got so clogged in just two weeks!  It is such a nice foundation too, boo!


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