I am getting ready to start renting a room for aesthetis. I have all my supplies except skin care. Can anyone tell me where to find good deals. I have been checking out ebay but would love your input. I dont want to make a large inestment untill i see how it is going to work


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Replies to This Discussion

 I recommend www.skinscriptrx.com or Tel. 1480-543-1121. They have good prices, great customer services, only $5. for shipping (flat rate), no minimun order, support solo aesthetician business, great Enzymes, great promosion for the holidays like (50% off of some products). They send me a post card gift for $25. if I spend a $100 in products, I will get $25 off. This is the first time that I get something from a company for supporting their business. Also this company is own by an esthetician who understand us! 

I make my own massage oil blends to save money.  there are plenty of good books with all kinds of recipes.  I also make my own masks which saves a bundle. I recommend you contact HydroPeptide.  I love their eye cream, sun screen, toner and lash enchancer.  They have weekly online classes too.  They will work with you if you explain you are just starting up a business.


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