Next on the never ending celebrity endorsed skincare products...

Melania Trump jumps on the band-wagaon with a 5-product line.

Seriously, what does she know about skin or skincare products?

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The article says that she researched the product for 10 years with her team of scientists??? What a bunch of CRAP! Oops! Excuse my French. :-)

10 years ago, she was still single, so there is no way she had access to a team of scientists!  She's "lucky" that she married who she married...for the money...because there is no other reason to marry that buffoon.

What does she know about skincare?  That it's a multi-billion dollar industry that her family hasn't tapped into yet!  She's quite the marketer, I'll give her that.  Cindy Crawford doesn't know anything about skin either but that didn't stop her or that french doctor and thanks to QVC she sells millions.  I have long been a proponent of us estheticians having more lobby power.  We virtually have no voice on these things and I can't understand why.  Maybe we just need Donald Trump as our dad

And Victoria Principal as well! I totally agree with you, Brigitte. 

the kardashians skin line went under- i did watch the show never once saw any use it- i tried it and was gross out for many reasons. but money makes the world go round-top of the line packaging i bet too for the Trump Stump Line. cheap over seas made in a sweat factory. sad

so true!!!!


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