Does anyone have clients with beards?  My brother has a "Duck Dynasty" beard and is obsessed with taking care of it.  I love to do gentlemen's facials (so much stuff to get out!!!) and would like any advice on how to care for a beard, and especially about THE SKIN UNDERNEATH...  Haven't found much information about the skin underneath a man's beard and if there's any way to take care of it. All I know so far is that the beard protects that skin...  

If anyone has suggestions or comments, or can further educate me on this topic, please share!!!  Thank you...  :) 

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I really don't know the answer to this, but it seems to me that it would be similar to the care of the scalp, as skin that just happens to be hard to get to because there's hair all over it! Perhaps there's more information out there about the scalp.

You might also be able to find something by looking around for beard and moustache clubs, magazines, and competitions. (Yes, all of these things exist ... and anybody who wants a really fun time should do an image search for the world beard and moustache championships!)

Thanks, Carrie!  I am going to continue my research and hopefully a nice article will come out of it!  

This is brilliant!


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