Hi there.  I just heard about the concept of Peel Parties today.  I haven't done them and was looking for any information, experience or suggestions you might have. 

I do spray tanning and have done spray tanning parties - I was thinking this might be done in a similar fashion.  My primary concern would be choosing the right products for each individual.  Perhaps a more gentle peel?

Thanks for any advice or comments.

Julia in Woodinville, WA

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Interesting concept. I like it. My only concern would be alcohol, and how that would affect client's judgment, and if the consent form would have validity if there was alcohol involved. Great idea though. I would love to hear more about it. Maybe an organic peel would be a safer option for this situation.

Hello Julia I hope if you decide to move forward with the peel parties that you raise the bar for safety and professionalism:) Wow Emilie spa parties are right up my alley. I am too conscious of customizing things as much as possible to have peel parties at this time so your outline for spa parties sound amazing. If you wouldn't mind I would love for you to email the outline to nholloway@rocketmail.com.

I do Health and Wellness Spa parties on a regular basis.  I sell a lot of products, book appointments, and also coach others to learn about keeping their bodies healthy so that their skin can maintain health.  Very popular!  Let me know if you would like more detail.

Hi Marsha, I would love to learn how to do a spa party, could you send me any info, and how n what do you say to your clients to main health and sell products( which products). Thank you my e-mail is dnails@optonline.net

I would love more details also. Thank you

Hi Tracy!

What is your email address?

Marsha "Maggie" Pierce

Hi Marsha, please share your knowledge with me that sounds amazing and right up my alley. nholloway@rocketmail.com and noraholloway@holisticsolutions.name I gave both just in case something ends up in spam or doesn't come through.

Hi Marsha can you please send me details on your spa parties? my information is rmesthetics@gmail.com

Hi Maggie,

I would love to get more detail on your wellness parties. This sounds like a great idea.

Thanks. I can be reached at bkurtz4094@yahoo.com


Hi Marsha,
I am also interested in the details of your Spa Parties! My email is marciapitcher61@gmail.com
Julia and Maggie, I'm interested in each of your parties. My email ldjordin@gmail.com
I always want to know that my clients are properly preconditioned for a Peel before I do it for them. That being said, as a professional Licensed - be careful about not going to far into doing party party Skincare. I think it diminishes the professionalIsm of the service. Then again, my peels are $60-$150 per peel. And I'm using high , active percentages.
Are you having every client complete an intake form? Are you analyzing their skin? Any preconditioning protocols? Any post peel protocol? Is everyone watching everyone get their peel? .....Is this becoming a little too much like an Avon or Arbonne party ? Is it in you place of business or in their living room?


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