Any suggestions of a skincare line that offers many products for sensitive skin?

Many of my clients have very sensitive skin and have a hard time finding a line that offers a lot of products for them. I also have very sensitive skin and would like to hear about more lines that offer great calming products. Anyone have a line that you love and suggest?

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Most skin care lines have a sensitive line.

But for my ultra sensitive people I use Hylunia.

It's expensive  - and they don't have any corrective serums for redness.

But for quality, basic, skin care for people with sensitive, sensitized, reactive or compromised skin this is what I reccomend.


Thanks I will definitely look into Hylunia.
Hi there! I personally have very sensitive skin- three times I have actually had a severe, eye-swelling shut reaction that requires a drs visit and hydrocortisone--so I can understand reactions and wanting to avoid them!! I've been using, loving and selling Australian skincare line Nutrimetics for nearly 13 years... We are distributed here In US by Avalla. I can use all of our products with no reaction. They use naturally derived ingredients, perfected and formulated in lab to deliver results-GENTLY. I adore them and best of all- I have NEVER had an adverse reaction on a single client! if you want to have a look. Also be mindful of your laundry wash... I stopped having client reactions about ten years ago when I totally switched to our natural laundry cleaner for all of my towels... Resolved 100% of my sensitivity issues! I realized this because when I travel in hotels, the wash cloths actually burn my face (and I know it's not the products I've used for 13 yrs).

Any questions feel free to call me! My specialty is product knowledge!
IMAGE. They have a wonderful organic line that is formulated specifically for sensitive, unbalanced skin- even cancer patients. They also have a line formulated for sensitive, Rosacea, dehydrated skin. Wonderful! My clients love these products.


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