Cellulite (the so-called "orange peel skin") at some stage a problem for many women. Cellulite is not only cosmetic eluvia, but this is a pathology. Cellulite, in addition to the fat cells in the small blood vessels, and surrounding tissues. Cellulite occurs very slowly.
The three main factors that contribute to cellulite formation:
1. Hormone. An important part of the body to secure the sustainability of the hypothalamus is the link between body fat and alternating both lepton (produced by fat cells) as well as female sex hormones estrogens and prolactin, which inhibits the metabolism of fats dusbalanss. Often taking cellulitis major hormonal changes during the period (puberty, pregnancy in the second half, during menopause). In addition to the formation of cellulite affects the blood levels of adrenaline to changes adrenaline activates fat metabolism by affecting the beta cells and fat alpha receptors. For example, the thighs are few women beta receptors responsible for lipolysis, but the abundance of alpha receptors (lipogenesis), and therefore there is more cellulite on the thighs as well.
2. Nutrition. Unbalanced diet increases blood insulin levels and promotes fat deposition. The fat cells swell, deteriorate microcirculation, oxygen starvation occurs, and swollen tissues.
3. Lymph and blood flow disturbances. Venous drainage aggravated the circulation of lymph stagnation contributes to small vessel permeability increase - subcutaneous fat cell shutter swelling, microcirculation disorders, oxygen starvation, metabolic disorders of collagen fibers and fat cell metabolism slowdown.
If the natural metabolism in the subcutaneous tissue perturbation, it accumulates in too much fat, toxins and fluid, these clusters are formed, which are able to swell up to 50 times.
At what stage is cellulite?
Exercise and dieting are not able to get rid of cellulite. Without an effective cellulite is called orange peel skin persist and even get worse over the years.
Generally begins between the pulp tissue is increased permeability of small blood vessels tursena- (plasma exudation), and the liquid accumulates in the tissues between the cells, and fat are released from each other. Over time, the fat cells are formed as a result of activation of the natural defense mechanism micro nodules - considerable amount of collagen fibers, fat cells are surrounded by a seal (fat cell clumps). Multi micro nodules merger occurs micro nodules cellulite protuberance, i.e., which is normally perceived compiles and painful.
These changes cause the skin temperature differences: swelling of the affected areas are warmer, nodules but cooler than the surrounding areas. Temperature differences discovery holds great importance in terms of diagnosis cellulite. One such method is based on microencapsulated liquid crystal contact thermography - a simple and fast technique that can be used repeatedly and are safe.
Buttocks and thighs one can distinguish four stages of cellulite:
1st Stage
The skin surface is smooth, even skin pinching. Cellulite does not occur. Stage 1
2nd Stage
There will interstitial edema - increases permeability of small blood vessels (plasma exudation) and fluid accumulates in the tissue between the fat cells are released from each other, and are increasing, with knobby is visible by pinching the skin. Recommended for dry brushing, whisking, and massage. Avoid predisposing factors. Vigorous physical exercise. Cellulite Stage II
Stage 3:
Over time, the fat cells are formed as a result of activation of the natural defense mechanism micro nodules - considerable amount of collagen fibers, fat cells are surrounded by a seal (fat cell clumps). Cellulite is visible when standing. The tissue in the area is bumpy, dry skin and flabby skin tone blue-gray and it seems cooler to the touch (impaired blood circulation due). It is recommended to add Salon treatments. Cellulite grade III
Step 4:
Multi micro nodules merger occurs micro nodules or cellulite protuberance, which is normally perceived compiles and painful. Micro-modules caused macro nodules. Tissue sclerosis. Cellulite is seen in lying. Certainly requires special care in order to break up into smaller unit’s macro nodules and restore the functioning of the capillaries. It also provides other methods of preservation greater effect. Longsuffering, and will need regular homework (brushing, whisking, diet adjustments, physical training). Cellulite Grade IV
Fight cellulite body care is a continuous and ongoing process. Only exercise and dieting are not able to get rid of cellulite or you can visit Joey Atlas Naked Beauty Program to get rid of. Without effective cellulite is called orange peel skin persist and even get worse over
The years. Lobby the result achieved and its permanence depends on the continuity of care in the home and the lifestyle.
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