All Blog Posts (731)

Get Rid of Those Wrinkles BTX

There are numerous ways to hide or lessen the effects of aging on our skin; Hydration inside and out is probably number one, staying out of the sun or at least protecting your skin from dangerous rays, eating right and sleeping well and of course not smoking.  In addition there is always surgery, invasive treatments, needles and more.

Today there is…


Added by Synoia Tech / Shari Pilo on November 19, 2012 at 12:42am — No Comments

Good Sleep Good Skin

Working hard all day? Want to party all night? Not the best idea for your skin. Studies show that a good night’s sleep will make your skin look younger and fresher. Good sleep, good skin!

Good Sleep Good Skin

Did you know that while you are sleeping, your body is working hard? During night sleep hours is when repair and the rejuvenating process takes place in your body.



Added by Synoia Tech / Shari Pilo on November 13, 2012 at 3:58am — No Comments

Beauty and Technology

The cosmetic and beauty industry has been growing at the speed of light over the last 4 decades. Once, there were only a few major brands sharing the market, today there are hundreds of thousands. New ideas, new formulations, and new technologies, guarantee for interesting new products.

While new products are being discovered, it is a combination of many factors that bring advanced products to market. Today companies are looking deeper into human biology, electronic devices, and…


Added by Synoia Tech / Shari Pilo on November 11, 2012 at 7:39am — No Comments

An Esty with Eczema!

Hello everyone.  I've been working as an esty for almost a year now and just developed some really horrible looking eczema on my hands this past summer.  I have never had it before and, coincidentally, it started when I left working at one spa to work at another.  I use Dermalogica at my new job and think it may be those products that are giving me the contact dermatitis that erupts in the palms of my hands (especially my left hand where I deposit product during application) and between my…


Added by Margarita Bordieri on November 9, 2012 at 6:46pm — 5 Comments


Thankyou ladies, for the great suggestions.  I do have my client using a product by Murad (Complete  Reform which I was told would help soften the Milia and make extractions easier, but to no avail)  I do believe lancets are illegal in NY, but I'll double check. Thanks again for your great feedback.

Added by dianna d'andrea on October 31, 2012 at 3:29pm — No Comments

Beautiful Technology

The cosmetic and beauty industry has been growing at the speed of light over the last 4 decades. Once, there were only a few major brands sharing the market, today there are hundreds of thousands. New ideas, new formulations, and new technologies, guarantee for interesting new products.

While new products are being discovered, it is a combination of many factors that bring advanced products to market. Today companies are looking deeper into human biology, electronic devices, and…


Added by Synoia Tech / Shari Pilo on October 31, 2012 at 2:51pm — No Comments


Hello everyone, I've never posted before... but I feel like I need some advice.  I am a new esthetician, recently licensed this past september.  Since I received my license I have been working like crazy to find a position.  gone on multiple interviews, I've gone by foot to give different spas my resume, I've looked online.  I'm starting to fear that nobody will hire me because I'm so new, but how am I supposed to get experience if nobody will even give me a second glance.  All I really need…


Added by Tanya L White on October 29, 2012 at 8:17am — 8 Comments

Skin Care: Ancient Ingredients

Shea Butter: Ancient Ingredients For Beautiful Skin


History is full of descriptions of beautiful women. Poetic descriptions of their body shape over the course of time have changed from being a mirror image of the ancient Egyptian and Greek gods to the plump well-rounded “fertile” look of the middle ages, cinched…


Added by Synoia Tech / Shari Pilo on October 29, 2012 at 6:02am — No Comments

Aromatherapy 101

The term "aromatherapy" did not appear in North America until the late 1980's and early 1990's. It is widely thought that Egyptians began using aromatherapy more than 6,000 years ago. Not only did Egyptians of ancient use essential oils for embalming purposes, they also used them after bathing and to help heal illnesses. Later, the Greeks used aromatic oils as cosmetics and medicine.

How Aromatherapy works:

Each essential oil is a complex mixture of organic compounds. When used…


Added by Shareen Rustin on October 20, 2012 at 4:59pm — No Comments

Think Pink - October Cancer Awareness Month

October Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is when everyone gets on board to increase awareness and to raise funds for research, preventative care and a cure.

You probably have signed up to run, walk or swim in an event, set up a giveback campaign at your business or donated funds at your local salon or spa. We…


Added by Synoia Tech / Shari Pilo on October 15, 2012 at 4:32am — No Comments

cancer awareness

A friend is inviting me to an event regards to cancer awareness. She would like me to talk to people about skin nervous...I know to point out the basics such as no matter the color of skin should always protect skin with SPF even if its cloudy or raining day and even if you spending most of time in a vechicle..Does anyone have any strong points I could mention at this event??

Added by jazz on October 11, 2012 at 9:13pm — 6 Comments

Needing help in the fight against acne/puberty

I'm new to this site and I'm already addicted! Everyone seems so willing to help others! With that being said, I need help too! My twin nephews are going to be 13 years old at the end of the month...Their attitudes and acne prone skin have let us know that puberty is upon us! I know this is typical but it's frustrating to see my little guys deal with this as it's affecting their self-esteem (and I'm pretty sure they're starting to hate me for "picking" (aka doing extractions) on them every…


Added by Jac on October 10, 2012 at 8:08pm — 5 Comments

Sharing a room.

I rent a room at a hair salon, I'm not very busy and cant be in the Salon all day waiting for someone to walk in and want a treatment done. The Salon wants to get another Esthi to split the days so they can always have someone in. Does anyone have any feedback on sharing a room?

Added by Nicole H on October 9, 2012 at 2:29pm — 3 Comments

Greeting Customers - What Goes On At Your Front Desk?

Why does The Gap (and Old Navy and Banana Republic too) greet customers entering one of their shops? Greeters are there to welcome customers, make eye contact with them, smile and offer assistance.

When a customer is greeted at the entrance to the establishment and eye contact is made together with a smile, the customer senses that they have been…


Added by Synoia Tech / Shari Pilo on October 9, 2012 at 1:03am — No Comments

Female competition body builder facial

Needing some advice.  I have a facial scheduled for a female competitive body builder.  She is breaking out on her face, and is needing it to be spotless for competition photos.  She is five weeks from competition and is on a very extreme diet with supplements…no steriods, however.  Any contraidications?  Has anyone had experience with this that could give me a heads up on how her skin will react to glycolic, microderm, or lactic acid?

Added by michelle milligan on October 8, 2012 at 7:44pm — 4 Comments


Hi  :)  can anyone recommend a good brands for chemical peels or websites i can order from? thanks

Added by monika bak on October 5, 2012 at 11:10am — 3 Comments

Brand Advocates

I was in one of the groups and someone asked a question about Facebook and Twitter,I replied here

This reminded me about the blog post I recently wrote about Brand Advocates so I decided to share it with…


Added by Synoia Tech / Shari Pilo on October 3, 2012 at 1:00am — No Comments

Compensation for my employees

I am a small Spa owner always looking for ideas on how to save money. My payroll is out of control. Any Spa owners in the group? Could you please give some ideas as to how your pay scale is set up? I desparately need to do something. I have 5 commission based employees. Any input would be welcome. Thank you!

Added by Sheila Brittingham on October 1, 2012 at 8:14am — 3 Comments


I finally got my Alexandria Professional sugaring supplies in the mail.

So very close to actually debuting my site--my very own mobile business! I'll admit that I'm a bit...apprehensive. Of course, the wild ride comes with the territory.

Only a few short days left until my big solo adventure to the great  city of  Los…


Added by Cat C on September 26, 2012 at 1:18pm — 1 Comment

Just wanted to vent....

So...I just wanted to vent a little, here's the story:

I had a client sent to me by word of mouth via email from a friend.  Let's call her Beth.  Beth contacted me via email about her daughter's wedding.  They were looking for something to do for the bachelorette party, wanted to pamper the bride but didn't want to spend alot of money, but understood these services weren't cheap.  Soooo....I spent about 1-2 hours coming up with 3 perfect options, researching the products and…


Added by Brigitte McDonald on September 18, 2012 at 1:10pm — 5 Comments

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